Fuel Your Workout: Nutrition Tips to Maximise Performance and Recovery
Properly fuelling your body before exercise can significantly impact your performance and recovery. Let's explore what to eat and drink before a workout to help you get the most out of your exercise sessions.
What Should You Eat Before a Workout?
Eating the right foods before a workout can boost your energy levels and help you push through fatigue. However, what you eat depends on how much time you have before your workout.
1-2 Hours or More Before Your Workout:
Aim for a balanced meal with a mix of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. This gives your body time to digest the food and convert it into usable energy.
Examples: Porridge with berries and yoghurt, toast with eggs and avocado, or a chicken sandwich.
Less Than an Hour Before Your Workout:
Opt for a lighter snack high in carbohydrates and low in fat and fibre to prevent discomfort. This quick energy source will help fuel your workout without weighing you down.
Examples: Medium-sized banana, rice cakes or toast with jam, a small handful of dried fruit, a glass of juice, or a granola bar.
Importance of Protein Timing
A review by the International Society of Sports and Nutrition Position Stand delves into the timing of protein ingestion and its benefits for strength and muscle growth. Here are some key findings:
Total Daily Protein Intake: For active individuals, the total amount of protein consumed throughout the day is more important than the timing around workouts.
Post-Exercise Protein Window: Muscle is most responsive to protein within the first 5-6 hours post-exercise. Consuming protein within one hour after resistance exercise has a small but significant effect on muscle growth.
Overall Conclusion: Focus on meeting your total protein needs throughout the day rather than solely on timing around workouts.
Stay Hydrated for Optimal Performance
Hydration is crucial for reducing fatigue and discomfort during your workout. Here's how much you should drink before exercising:
- 2-3 Hours Before: Drink 500ml of water.
- 20-30 Minutes Before: Drink another 250-300ml of water.
Tip: Consider a drink with electrolytes for longer workouts or those in hot conditions. Aim for around 200-300mg sodium, and look for other electrolytes such as magnesium, potassium, phosphate, and calcium.
Check Your Hydration: The Pee Test
Staying hydrated is essential for workout performance and overall health. A simple way to check your hydration status is by the colour of your urine.
Light Yellow or Straw-Coloured: Indicates good hydration.
Darker Than Straw: You need to drink more water before starting your workout.
Hydration Steps:
Morning Check-In: Start your day by checking your urine colour.
Pre-Workout Hydration: Drink 500-600ml of water 2-3 hours before your workout.
Top Up if Needed: If your urine is darker than straw before heading out, drink another 250-300ml of water about 30 minutes before starting your exercise.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right foods and timing your meals correctly can make a significant difference in how you feel and perform during your workout. By fuelling your body with the right nutrients and staying hydrated, you’ll have the energy and endurance to maximise your exercise session and achieve your fitness goals. Experiment with different foods and timings to find what works best for you, and remember to listen to your body.
This information addresses the basic foundations of how to fuel for your training. For personalised guidance, consulting with a registered dietitian can provide the support you need to optimise your performance and recovery.
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